Friday, March 28, 2014

Renaissance and Reformation

Secular is not having to do with religion (religion doesn't rule the society).

Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician. He was the artist that created the famous painting, Mona Lisa.        ------------------------>

Florence is a major city-state in Italy.

Vernacular is the language or dialect that the ordinary people spoke.      ---------------------->

Michelangelo was a famous sculptor during the Renaissance. He created the sculptor shown, called David.

                                  Donatello was a sculptor from Florence.   ------------>

Martin Luther
was a leader of the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century.                        

 Desiderius Erasmus, a Christian humanist, had a religion that he called, "The Philosophy of Christ". He was the first person to edit the New Testament.                                                ----------------->

 Edict of Worms was a decree issued by Emperor Charles the V, condemning Martin Luther as a heretic.                    

John Calvin stood close to Martin Luther. He believed in, "the Power, Grace, and Glory of God".          

 Jesuits were members of a Roman Catholic religious order.                   

The Council of Trent was held in Trento, Italy from 1545 to 1563 to respond to the threat of Protestantism, or all the Catholic Churches as a whole.                                                     -------->

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Aztec Clothing

-What kind of clothes did the Aztecs wear?
Aztec clothing, which was generally made of cotton, was loose fitting and often didn't cover the whole body. The clothes could also be made from ayate, a fiber derived from the maguey cactus. They would either go barefoot or wear sandals.

Ayate Fiber

-Who wore the clothing and who made it?
Teenage girls were often taught to make clothing, and used this task through out their entire life. Women wore a skirt kept in place by a sash or they would wear a sleeveless tunic along with a cloak, while men wore a loin cloth and a cloak. Until the age of 3, boys wouldn't wear anything but a cape, and girls would only wear a blouse like her mothers. At the age of 4, their clothing was similar to the adults. Laws regulated what type of fibers people could wear, depending on the individuals social status.

Commoner                                                         Noble 


-Where were the clothes made/worn?
The women would harvest the fibers from cactus, and