Friday, March 28, 2014

Renaissance and Reformation

Secular is not having to do with religion (religion doesn't rule the society).

Leonardo Da Vinci was a painter, sculptor, architect, inventor, and mathematician. He was the artist that created the famous painting, Mona Lisa.        ------------------------>

Florence is a major city-state in Italy.

Vernacular is the language or dialect that the ordinary people spoke.      ---------------------->

Michelangelo was a famous sculptor during the Renaissance. He created the sculptor shown, called David.

                                  Donatello was a sculptor from Florence.   ------------>

Martin Luther
was a leader of the Protestant Reformation during the 16th century.                        

 Desiderius Erasmus, a Christian humanist, had a religion that he called, "The Philosophy of Christ". He was the first person to edit the New Testament.                                                ----------------->

 Edict of Worms was a decree issued by Emperor Charles the V, condemning Martin Luther as a heretic.                    

John Calvin stood close to Martin Luther. He believed in, "the Power, Grace, and Glory of God".          

 Jesuits were members of a Roman Catholic religious order.                   

The Council of Trent was held in Trento, Italy from 1545 to 1563 to respond to the threat of Protestantism, or all the Catholic Churches as a whole.                                                     -------->

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